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Kategorie: Wissenschaftskomm.

Bachelor’s Thesis – Science Blogging in the DACH Region: Exploring Authors’ Motivations

In a previous post, I outlined my upcoming bachelor’s thesis as part of my distance learning program in Information Management at Hochschule Hannover. This post initially served to announce the accompanying survey for my research. The focus of the thesis is to investigate the motivations that drive researchers, scientists, academics and science enthusiasts to engage in science blogging. The survey is now complete; the interviews have been conducted and transcribed, and after several revisions, the title has been officially approved by my assessor. The challenge now is to write the thesis itself.

Umfrage Bachelorarbeit: Wissenschaftsbloggen – Motivation und Bedeutung / Survey Bachelor’s Thesis: Science Blogging – Motivation and Significance

Im Rahmen meiner Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Informationsmanagement berufsbegleitend an der Hochschule Hannover führe ich eine Umfrage zum Thema „Wissenschaftsbloggen – Motivation und Bedeutung“ durch. In dieser Umfrage geht es darum, herauszufinden, was Wissenschaftsblogger:innen zum Bloggen motiviert und welche Rolle sie Wissenschaftsblogs beimessen.