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Contact Point for Research Data at the Love Data Week

Date: 15.02.2023
Time: 13:00 – 16:00
Title: Research Data Management – Speeddating: Question and answer session with the Contact Point for Research Data at TU Dresden and SLUB. There are no stupid questions!
Location: Open Science Lab (OSL Forum) der SLUB, Zellescher Weg 21–25 (Eingang Zellescher Weg 25), 01217 Dresden

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As part of the worldwide Love Data Week from February 13 to 17, many exciting and educational events around data and data management will take place (, including participation of TU Dresden and SLUB.

The Contact Point Research Data ( organizes a Research Data Management – Speeddating. “What is research data management?” “How do I keep my data understandable?” “Where can I store my data securely?” “What is metadata?” “What is the best way to archive research data?” “How can I publish my data?” “What does a good file name look like?” …

Do you have these or other queries about research data management? Then simply stop by at our Q&A session, all questions are welcome.

Additionally, a developer of the MopheusML model repository (, which is operated by the ZIH, will be available to answer your questions regarding the publication of mutlicellular models that adhere to to the globally established standard MorpheusML

In addition, the focus project “SaxFDM-DMP” will introduce itself ( Data Management Plans (DMP) are a basis for structured data management. They primarily facilitate the management of data in groups by describing the common handling of the data. Increasingly, they are also required by research funders as part of a project proposal. Currently, a service is being set up for all Saxon researchers for the low-threshold and quick creation of data management plans. The presentation will show what this service will do and how it can support research.

Time: February 15, from 1.30 pm – 2 pm
Location: SLUB Open Science Lab, Zellescher Weg 21-25 ( , Open Science Lab 2

We are looking forward to welcoming you to both events.

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Redakteur (31. Januar 2023). Contact Point for Research Data at the Love Data Week. SLUB Open Science Lab. Abgerufen am 7. Februar 2025 von

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